Jeff Laid's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

How I knew I was gay, my story. Date: Jul 1st @ 1:53am EDT
Today my loves I want to tell you how I realized I was gay. It is a very interesting story and a little funny, I hope you enjoy it.

It was when I was 16 years old, I was in high school or as they say in the USA "High Schoold", I was in the penultimate year and it was already graduation finals. It turns out that all my classmates organized a party in a house outside the city, just for us, so to celebrate, I was very excited to attend. The day finally came, all my classmates and I were celebrating that we passed to the last grade, it was a huge happiness. At the party I stayed with my best friend and a friend of hers, I had no male friends, it may be because I was never interested in soccer, talking about women, that type of typical thing that men do, I was more than reading, writing, listening to friends' problems, things like that (That must be why I chose psychology in college), going back to where we were, at the party I drank a lot of liquor, something I had never done and I got drunk quickly, I felt very wrong, a boy came to help me, he told me that he would vomit, that it would help me get well again, I mentioned to him that I was embarrassed in front of my classmates, so we went behind the house, it was just him and me , I vomited respectively, he brought me water and I stayed talking with him, it turns out that he was a boy with whom he hardly spoke in class, he is a tall boy, deep gaze with brown eyes, he had a thin body and barely grew a beard Up close, he's a very handsome boy, I thought, since I didn't detail him well in class, I must clarify that I had never had a partner until now, and he did not know about my taste for men, but that day, at that moment, I felt a feeling of attraction towards him, I looked at his full lips and provoked me to kiss, It was something very strange for me.

Going back to the moment, I noticed that he was also looking at me with different eyes, not as a partner who wanted to help me (although he did it perfectly) but as a more intimate interest, which is why my conversation turned around sexual and Intimate, so as not to lengthen so much, there came a point in the conversation where we sat down and I touched his hand, he looked at me, smiled, and I kissed him quickly, it was the most beautiful kiss I have ever made in my life, it lasted more than 30 seconds, my head they exploded with dopamine, my mind went to zero, I just wanted to feel it inside me. After kissing, we looked down and we were nervous about each other, it was something very nice, we went back to the party with our colleagues, he with his friends and I with my friend, that's how it went all night and that's how it stayed, I didn't I saw again, nor he me. It was a sign of life, he showed me a path, he showed me a fantasy, since then I have only had one partner for 1 year with him, I have the strange feeling that homosexual couples have a bit of a stigma and a tendency to infidelity, I don't know why, I say it because it happened to me like that, in short, the story was very long, I doubt that anyone will read it, and if they do. I love you and thank you for paying attention to my words, it's 2 in the morning and I just wanted to write. Kisses, see you on camera.
The time they caught masturbating at the gym Date: Jan 20th @ 12:23pm EST
One day I normally went to the gym to train my chest and biceps, I had left broadcasting and I hadn't cum that day, I was very excited. I trained normal very heavy chest and I was full of sweat so I took a shower at the gym but I had the "mistake" of leaving the door open, I took a shower and I was horny and my cock was hard so I put on porn to masturbate, a trainer He entered the bathroom and heard my moans and the porn, he knocked on the door and since it was open, he saw me naked masturbating, I was very embarrassed, and I couldn't cum, but it was a nice experience hehehe I liked it and I got very excited.
I have many stories so they discover me naked or masturbating.

I will keep posting my stories, follow me and don't miss my shows
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